10 Things to Avoid During Thanksgiving

Louis C.K., the sage of our time.

Louis C.K., the sage of our time.

Here are ten things to avoid during Thanksgiving, the first holiday that sets the tone for all other impending holidays. DO IT RIGHT OR NOT AT ALL.


1) DON’T drink before embarking on the adventure that is a new recipe. 

Put the wine glass DOWN. I have learned the hard way: just because it’s a holiday doesn’t mean that the Food Network gods have suddenly graced you with culinary gifts. You still have to read the directions like a literate adult and if you have wine in your bloodstream, the ability to read is quickly ripped away like so many appetites upon viewing turkey gizzards.

Case in point: Last year, I tried making a pumpkin pie. I put in baking soda when the recipe called for baking flour… This resulted in an absolutely heinous salty pumpkin cake and also a salty discharge from my tear ducts.

Obviously not a picture of the horrible monstrosity I created. It was truly the Frankenstein of holiday desserts.

Obviously not a picture of the horrible monstrosity I created. It was truly the Frankenstein of holiday desserts.

2) DON’T make homemade cranberry sauce. 

That’s cute and all, but guys, can we all just agree that that canned stuff is AMAZING and King of All Things Cranberry & Delicious? Just because it comes out in the form of a gelatinous cranberry can does not mean it is not both mighty and majestic. It even has ridges to show you where to cut each serving.

Me: “How helpful you are, Canned Cranberry! With your evenly-spaced ridges and Jello-like consistency, I can never go wrong.”

Canned Cranberry: “You’re welcome.”


Mmmmm. Can.

3) DON’T exercise. 

Are you serious? That’s what New Year’s resolutions are for, dummy! Why start a habit now when your Old Year’s resolution should be to become a giant sea cow? Actually, sea cows are too healthy – they eat marine vegetation. Try for something larger, like a planet. Become a planet. Mercury, maybe?


4) DON’T spend three-hundred hours blessing the food. 

WHAT IS THIS, DAY 1 OF THE PILGRIMS LANDING ON AMERICA?* Please, for the love of all things holy and unholy, this is not the time to list all six million saints in the Catholic canon. Take the time to say your thanks, give the sky a thumbs up, pat your friends and family on the head, and then eat! If you do spend three-hundred hours on something, make sure it is spent being grateful for Kimye and realizing what is truly important in this world: the existence of North West.

Calm down, everyone.

Calm down, everyone. The saints will still be here tomorrow.

5) DON’T eat at all except for dinner. 

I play a game every year called how-hungry-can-I-get-before-I-pass-out and this year is no different. Time to fast. It’s like a trendy juice cleanse except the juice is air.

I do love a good painted cheese.

I do love a good painted cheese.

6) DON’T send a mass Thanksgiving text. 

If you could opt-out of mass texts, then maaaaybe it would make them slightly more tolerable. But inevitably, your phone buzzes nonstop with the tangential side conversations mass texts tend to cultivate: “Who is 454-444-0456 number?” Just send a personal text or tweet. And by tweet, I mean, send a message to your loved ones by carrier pigeon.

7) DON’T talk about Black Friday or lament about the holiday season.


Black Friday Logic.

Black Friday Logic.

8) DON’T talk politics.

Uncle Bob, put down the butter knife and channel your political enthusiasm into aggressively washing the dishes or something.

“We. Are. Trying. To. Have. A. Nice. Day,” said hosts and hostesses through gritted teeth all throughout the land.

9) DON’T be ignorant of American history. 

You guys, Thanksgiving can hardly be boiled down to a bunch of white people high-fiving the native population.

10) DON’T be a cynical killjoy.

Wait a second…

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– M

* I am aware that Thanksgiving was not Day 1 of Pilgrims landing on America.

Bad Mood

I don’t know if it’s just because I’m stressed out and my stress has been spreading like some sort of grumpy bird flu but my relationships have been… tense lately.


It started this Tuesday when my friend and I yelled our way through carpentry class. Even our professor was a little shocked at the way we worked together. Our M.O. is to criticize each other to get things done. And we do get our projects done and they happen to look amazing, it just takes splinters, frustration, and screaming to get there. Class is an hour and a half of this:

Me: “That’s straight.”

Friend: “That’s not straight.”

Me: “Fine, you do it.”

Friend: “Fine. See? It’s straight now.”

Me: “Now it’s straight but it’s the wrong angle and you chopped off my finger.”

I’ve also, admittedly, been absolutely miserable this week. And miserable to be around. Sorry. Public apology for being a Debbie Downer. And a Sour Sally. And a Negative Nancy. And a Dour Delilah. And a Grumpy Gertrude. And a Horrible Helga. And a Terrible Tina. And a Lame Lizzie. And…. we’re done here.

I guess I like to think I am a bubbly, glittery ball of sunshine that spreads happiness and fairy dust every waking moment. But, apparently, lack of sleep and pressure from school have chipped away at my sparkling personality until I became this horrible shrew. And not in some fun, Shakespeare-y way à la Taming of the Shrew, just someone you don’t want to be around.

I’m hoping that I still have friends after this week. And if not, that’s what crying was invented for: when you feel sad about having no friends. Crying also burns calories!* So, if I cry hard enough, it’s just like going to the gym. Positive thinking!!!

– Daughter

* This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA.



Things I Say in Bars or, This is Why I Can’t Go to Nice Places


I went to a bar on Saturday night, like 20-somethings do (they do that, right?), and said some questionable things to random strangers. By ‘questionable things’ I mean I essentially spent the night terrorizing and trolling various bar-goers.

People go to bars to have drinks, meet new people, and have fun. But not me. Oh, I want to have a good time and all, just at your expense.


Unsuspecting Bar Patron #1: “Hello. How are y-”

Me: “Has anybody ever told you that you have Ken doll hair? Because you do. What’s your name?”

UBP1: “My name’s Tim.”*

Me: “Well, I’m going to call you Ken.”

UBP1: “… um okay.”

Me: “So what do you do?”

UBP1: “I do construction management.”

Me: “Does that mean you can’t read?”

UBP1: “…”


Unsuspecting Bar Patron #2: “So, do you want to dance?”

Me: “I’m actually really tired, I’d rather sit here at the bar and chat. “

UBP2: “…okay. Can I buy you a drink?”

Me: “No.”

UBP2: “Are you having fun?”

Me: “Yeah! I’m just tired. Can’t wait to go back to my house and sleep.”

UBP2: “…”


Me: “What’s your name?”

Unsuspecting Bar Patron #3: “Harry.”*

Me: “HARRY POTTER. Is it okay if I call you that?”

UBP3: “… sure.”



This gem was said as I was leaving the bar:

Unsuspecting Bar Patron #4: “Where are you going????????!!!!!!”



*Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

– Daughter

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