My Mom Makes Me Take Shots When I’m Sick

Of medicine. But still, in a shot glass! I don’t like associating shot glasses with being holed up in bed, crying into my covers and wallowing in self-loathing. And by the way, this wasn’t just any old shot glass. It’s a shot glass with the letters from the frat she was associated with in college (????? I don’t know how Greek life works because my college is a giant lesbian cult sorority). I don’t know where that shot glass has been, you know? Am I crazy for being hesitant to drink out of it?

Filled with “medicine”.

Anyway, my mom is all into holistic health – or as I like to call it, witchcraft – so I took the medicine. And then I fell asleep for six hours. It makes me wonder what was in it, maybe it was whiskey. Who’s to say? I do sort of feel like I have a hangover but that’s probably because I’m sick and not because my mom was force-feeding me alcohol.

You never know though, moms are sneaky like that.

– Daughter

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